Who hasn’t felt their heart break after losing someone we love? What hurts the most? The loss of a loved one or a broken bone? Abandonment of a partner or a burn on the skin?
Regardless of how these questions may seem contradictory, there appears to be a clear answer. Emotional pain hurts more than physical pain.
Sometimes the pain lodges in the throat due to unsaid words, in the back due to the weight of what you have carried, in the chest due to accumulated sadness, in the stomach due to repressed anger or in the back due to the lack of support. emotional.
The body shouts what the mind is silent.
We hurt people and people hurt us, we have felt excluded, we have been envious, we have believed that we are not enough. We have put dreams aside and we have regretted things we did or did not do at some point. We are designed to feel the voids, to fill with false filling what we lack, we have felt that we do not deserve what we have. We wish our parents had done more for us, we blame them for our decisions and actions. We want to do more for our children than our parents did for us. We betray and they betray us. We lie and they lie to us. We say goodbye to people, places, animals, that we do not want to stop having by our side, we have fallen in love and we have broken hearts, We love our children, we live for them, but we would also like to live without them. We are at war with our bodies, our souls, our minds, we are at war with others. We wish we could have said all the things we didn’t say, they’re still here, but we still don’t say them. We don’t understand why we hurt those we love. We want to be forgiven but we do not forgive.
We don’t understand God, but we believe, we don’t believe, we want to belong, we want to be loved.